Photos Over the years:  

Club Member Circa 1974  Please help to identify

Mrs. Myrtle Herring the longest sitting president in the Club's 110 year history.

The club hosted the Pennsylvania State Convention in 2002  Vivian Wagner's nephew, nationally renown artist Mr. John Holyfield was our special guest.

Annual Club Christmas Party 2002 Pictured are (left to right)

Standing, Claudia Jones, Debbie Moore Bennett, Vivian Wagner, Clea Hollis, Rosemarie Bennett, Lynne Banks

Seated: Pat Walker, Vickie King, and Ruth Jackson


Officer's Photo 2008  Left to Right Claudia Jones, Treasure, Rosemarie Bennett, Financial Secretary, Joann Jackson, Secretary.  Seated:  Vickie King Vice President, and Verna Porcher Carter, President.

ELD in Service:  Lynne Banks delivering the club's annual Thanksgiving food basket to a needy family.

The Club Celebrating Ms Ruth's 90th Birthday, March 1, 2012

Rear Left to right Karen Brandon, Darlene Weatherly, Mary McCray, Vanassa Washington, Claudia Jones

Row 2:  JoAnn Jackson, Marcella Holloway, Vickie King, Lynne Banks.

Row 1:  Dorotha McCray, Mrs. Ruth Jackson, Dr. Clea Hollis

Below:  Founders day On Adams Street,2015   Left to Right:  Norma Jones, Clea Hollis, Gloria Porcher.  2nd row, Lynne Banks, Darlene Weatherly, Verna Carter.  3rd row Francine Cashaw, Claudia Jones, Dorothea McCray, Mary McCray


ELDavis Club December 1999 at the Home of Clea Hollis

Standing(Left to Right):             Vivian Wagner, Lynne Banks, Claudia Jones, Clea Hollis, Ruth Jackson, Rosemarie Bennett, and                  In front, Patricia Walker and Vickie King


Above:  Officers picture cira (HELP)  Left to Right  Rosemarie Bennett parlimentarian, Clea Hollis Vice President, Verna Porcher Carter, Secretary, Edreana Crumbly Financial Secretary, Vivian Wagner, Treasurer, Vickie King, President

Below:  Club members in celebration of the 100th anniversary.  Pictured, left to right:  Lynne Banks, Dr. Clea Hollis, Verna P. Carter, Rosemarie Darr Bennett, ____________Andrews, Pat Walker, Ruth Jackson


ELD Golden Girls 2013  Celebrating clubmembers with 25 years of service  Pictured left to right:  Ruth Jackson, Claudia Jones, Verna Carter, Vickie King.  Not picture, Dr. Clea Hollis.

ELDavis Club at 105 anniversary celebration, Christ Community Church  Standing, Karen Brandon, Verna Carter, Rosemarie Bennett, Lynne Banks 

In front:  Vickie King, Geraldine Patterson, Ruth Jackson, Joann Jackson


 ELD Club 2012 Anniversary Celebration at Historic First Cambria AME Church (Left to Right Rear) Marcy Holloway, Clea Hollis

Row 3 Darlene Weatherly, Verna Carter, Lynne Banks

Row 2  Geraldine Patterson, Mary McCray, Claudia Jones, 

Row 1  Joann Jackson, Vickie King, Ruth Jackson, Dorothea McCray

Annual Christmas party at the Home of Clea Hollis, Pictured Left to Right:  Ruth Jackson, Vickie King, Clea Hollis, Claudia Jones, Lynne Banks

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